Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Tulsa Zoo

The girls rode the carousel while Elijah made some exchanges in the Nature Center. Then Pops arrived and we took the train to the top. After seeing a few creatures, everyone was hot and hungry so we ate lunch. Then Sydney was too exhausted (too much party fun the night before) so we headed home with the promise we would return another day.

This African Primate is a Diana Gaenon from the rainforest. Because of illegal hunters, it may be extinct by 2020.

The Caribbean Flamingo is the most colorful of all flamingos. However, in captivity, the coloring fades, so ground carrots and pigment must be added to their diet to help them keep their color. I think they lay their eggs in this mud.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elijah Scharpf

Going to the zoo was really fun, and
that bacon cheese burger was REALLY