Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving at Devin and Hailey's House: fire, s'mores, scary stories!

We had an early Thanksgiving Meal together at Nana and Pop's home on Sunday and Devin and Hailey parents had other plans on Thanksgiving day, so we did not see them on Thursday.  But here are photos sent to me of their celebration in their back yard.   First of all this is Mr Harvest Man at the front door.  You will have to ask them who made the man and what all is stuffed in him.

Then there was a big bonfire in the back yard.
Here is Buddy enjoying the celebration with Hailey and Devin.

S'mores being roasted.

Kevin just sent me this information:  "In the old days, pagans celebrated the end of the year with bonfires. We had more practical reasons: a year's worth of giant fallen tree trunks and branches to get rid of. So we roasted marshmallows, made s'mores, and told scary stories by firelight. Even the dogs got involved, but the cat decided to stay in the garage."

Sidewalk Art

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Cousins

On Tuesday Nana and Pops drove to Plano to visit grandchildren before Thanksgiving.  On Tuesday evening, there was a Thanksgiving service at the church.  Uncle Joel preached about Greatfulness and we had communion together.  Here is Carson, Sydney and Ave before service in front of the Christmas Tree.

Children were given 'goodie' bags to have something to keep them still during the service.
Here is the Green Room before going into service. 
Pictures during church were not good as I did not know if it was OK to take photos.  I snuck this one.
Communion was during the service.  This was a new experience for little ones.  The bread (wafer) was sealed on top of the packet and the wine (grape juice) was underneath.  The bread was to help us remember that Christ's body was broken on the Cross for our healing.   Ava was interested with this ritual. 
Here is Sydney with her juice which helps us to remember Jesus shed his blood for our sins.  We must ask HIM to forgive us for the things we do wrong. The Bible tells us to do this to remember what Jesus did for us.
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The PlayRoom and Sleep in Plano

After a hard day of play and swimming, these cousins are ready for bed.  Here they are sound asleep.  Carson is sleeping on the giant bean bag chair.
Sydney's bed in daytime.
Sydney and Ave sleeping in Syd's room. 
Ava, sweet dreams. 
In the morning is play time in the play room.
Everyone must share. 
Carson on the swivel chair. 
Uncle Joel drinks coffee and watches the children play. 

Papa plays with Nigel at the same time. 
Ava and her rubber duckie. 
Later there is time for cartoons. 
I know where Syd gets the 'hiding face game'....her mommie did the same thing. 
Here is Syd's Mommie hinding her face .... see what I mean?
I forgot to mention there was story time in bed with Carson and Pops.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Among the Weeping Willows

I always loved willow trees. We planted one in our front yard when Kevin and April were little and we loved it. I think that love has carried down from me to April to Lily. Here are Rosie and Lily under cousin Vada's willow tree. Willow trees do not usually last more than 20 years. This one survived the terrible ice strom and is back strong again.
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