Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something Strange in European Bathrooms

There were lots of fancy things in the hotel bathroom.
Smokey is very curious as things seem to look
different. Below I am going to show you something
that you don't see in America very much.
This thing is not a sink or water fountain.
Take a look at the bottom

Smokey noticed something very different in European Bathrooms. First of all the smell is different in bathrooms in Europe.
And then the way you flush the toilet is different.
There is no handle. There is simply a button you push on the
top of the tank.

But then next to the toilet is this thing. Smokey can not figure it out. Do you have any ideas what this other thing is?
I will tell you, but first, do you want to guess?
I will give you a hint:
It is low to the floor.
Google the word Bidet.


NANA Scriv said...

Devin says it is the sink. He is wrong, it is not the sink. Let me look for a picture of an European sink.

Anonymous said...

Elijah Scharpf

I think it is a thing you sit on after you
use the toilet.
You sit in it and it washes of your

NANA Scriv said...

Devin says its a water fauset.

Anonymous said...

Rosie and Lily agree with Elijah.

Maybe they don't have toilet paper.

NANA Scriv said...

Elijah is correct. It is called a Bidet and it is a bottom washer. And I tried to look up on Google and it may have something to do with not having toilet. I'm not sure if that was a joke.