Friday, June 12, 2009

Rosie's is our Hero

See how long Rosie's hair is on the left. It was all the way down past her waist. But she always hated getting it brushed so she wanted it cut.
Rosie donated her 11 inch braid to LOCKS OF LOVE. It is a place that takes your hair and makes it into a wig for children sick with cancer and have lost all their hair because of the radiation given them to save their lives. Isn't Rosie brave to get her beautiful dark brown hair cut off and then give it to a little child who is fighting for her life.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Rosie says, "It is very nice having my hair cut. I am happy it won't hurt to brush it any more. It is fun to have shorter hair. I am glad to give it to someone who needs hair. Too bad Papa can't use it."

NANA Scriv said...

These photos were taken on my cell phone because I forgot my camera. The beautician is Jeanie Kimbrough at After FX 91st and Aspen. I'm glad Rosie is happy with her new haircut, that was a big step to take.

Anonymous said...

Elijah Scharpf

I am not used to seeing rosie with
short hair.