Sunday, June 14, 2009

Smokey is Going to Teach You Some Things About Europe

Hello, my name is Smokey. You have played with me many times when you have been at Nana and Papa's house. I went to Europe with them in April.
I learned a lot. Now I am going to teach you a few things that I learned about Europe. First of all, not too many people over there could speak my dog talk --- theirs had a different sound. I had to work very hard to understand what they were saying. This is a telephone in the hotel room. It has a different look about it. When I picked it up to call, the dog on the other end was barking in Spanishbark.
The windows actually opened up and you could sit on the ledge, even if you were up high. here were no screens, no bars to protect you from falling over and nothing was locked. Can you see what I see down there on the sidewalk by the playground? It looks like Duke. But when I barked at him "hello Dukie" she barked back in a language I did not understand. Bummer, it was another little dogie that looked like my friend back in Oklahoma.
That is all for today, but every few days I will show you something new and different that I learned while I was in Europe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elijah Scharpf

Smokey is very smart.