Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Cousins

On Tuesday Nana and Pops drove to Plano to visit grandchildren before Thanksgiving.  On Tuesday evening, there was a Thanksgiving service at the church.  Uncle Joel preached about Greatfulness and we had communion together.  Here is Carson, Sydney and Ave before service in front of the Christmas Tree.

Children were given 'goodie' bags to have something to keep them still during the service.
Here is the Green Room before going into service. 
Pictures during church were not good as I did not know if it was OK to take photos.  I snuck this one.
Communion was during the service.  This was a new experience for little ones.  The bread (wafer) was sealed on top of the packet and the wine (grape juice) was underneath.  The bread was to help us remember that Christ's body was broken on the Cross for our healing.   Ava was interested with this ritual. 
Here is Sydney with her juice which helps us to remember Jesus shed his blood for our sins.  We must ask HIM to forgive us for the things we do wrong. The Bible tells us to do this to remember what Jesus did for us.
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