Friday, November 26, 2010

The PlayRoom and Sleep in Plano

After a hard day of play and swimming, these cousins are ready for bed.  Here they are sound asleep.  Carson is sleeping on the giant bean bag chair.
Sydney's bed in daytime.
Sydney and Ave sleeping in Syd's room. 
Ava, sweet dreams. 
In the morning is play time in the play room.
Everyone must share. 
Carson on the swivel chair. 
Uncle Joel drinks coffee and watches the children play. 

Papa plays with Nigel at the same time. 
Ava and her rubber duckie. 
Later there is time for cartoons. 
I know where Syd gets the 'hiding face game'....her mommie did the same thing. 
Here is Syd's Mommie hinding her face .... see what I mean?
I forgot to mention there was story time in bed with Carson and Pops.

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