Monday, April 23, 2012

Life of a HomeSchooler

Rosie, Lily, Elijah, Devin and Hailey are all homeschoolers.  On this particular, they were gathered at our house at lunch time.    It was a beautiful day so we had lunch together out on the deck.  Elijah was at his co-op Latin class and had to wait and eat later. 
After lunch, Devin and Hailey had Deuteronomy and Shakespear to read.  They take turns reading while the other listens. 

Come on, pretend this is a lot of fun. 
Take note of Devin's new haircut and Hailey's new braids. 
While in the house, Lily is working on writing her paper about Russian Eggs. 
And Rosie is doing her Math and writing a poem. 
April calls Papa her 'substitue teacher.'  Interesting job for the Papa.

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