Sunday, September 13, 2009

Papa Is Going To Haiti

Papa is on a trip this week.  He left at 6:00 Saturday Morning, is in Florida until Monday morning early when he will fly out to Haiti. 
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world.  It's government leaders are very mean and nasty to the people.   Even though the Caribbean is very beautiful, the people have a hard life. 
Papa is helping some Missionaries who have built an orphanage for little children who have no Mommie or Daddy and these missionaries have adopted many children and built a home for them to live together as a family.  Family is very important.  To help these children, the adoptive Mom and Dad need lots of money.  Papa is going to visit Haiti to help the parents learn how to raise the money they need.   When he gets back, I will ask him to share his experience with you.   Pray for Papa this week and for the people of Haiti.
The Haitian people speak either French or Creole.  Hello is 'bonswa" and Good bye is "babay."    Papa just called on his BlackBerry, he said they have 14 schools in Haiti and feed 5,000 children a good lunch everyday because that is the only food those children have -- one meal a  day.  Pray for the children of Haiti.


Pops said...

Hi this is papa. Greetings from the island country of Haiti. The children are very poor here and don't have enough to eat. Many have no shoes or clothing to wear. They live in grass huts by a big lake. The lake has only tiny fish now to catch, not much bigger than a minnow you usse as bait to catch fish in Oklahoma. Please pray for them. They need our help. Love Papa

Pops said...

Hi this is papa. Greetings from the island country of Haiti. The children are very poor here and don't have enough to eat. Many have no shoes or clothing to wear. They live in grass huts by a big lake. The lake has only tiny fish now to catch, not much bigger than a minnow you usse as bait to catch fish in Oklahoma. Please pray for them. They need our help. Love Papa

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and the people you are traveling with.
We will pray for the children.
