Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Big, Big, Big, Big Bunny and Sassy Billy the Monkey

There was a monkey named Billy.
And Billy one time met a big, big, big, big bunny.
The big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big bunny said:
"Hey you need to go to the jungle."
And Billy said: 'NO, I'M NOT GOING TO THE JUNGLE.'
And the big, big, big, big, big, big bunny said:
"What are you thinking, you need to go to the jungle because that's where monkeys live."
Then Billy said: "NO"
Then the big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big bunny said:
"You need to go there or else you aare going to die."
And he asked how old are you.
And the Monkey said he was 95 years old and "NO, I'M NOT GOING TO THE JUNGLE."
The bunny said alright, but you can only stay for lunch.
And he said 'WHAT!"
So they went and had lunch. and then he said Let's go.
And Billy said 'NO, I AM GOING HOME.'
After a few more birthday partys, Billy was 99 years old.
The Bunny said, I'm going to do something, I'm going to shorten him up.
So when Billy said it is my birthday today, instead of putting 100 candles on his cake, the bunny put 99 candles on and he shortened a bit. Then he put 98 candles on and on until he was 95 years old again.
Then the Bunny said: "You are going to have to go to Africa."
So they went to Africa and stayed for three weeks.
Then when they came back , he met a very dangerous crazy cat.
If you meet one of those dangerous crazy cats, you have to be a goose and would have to stay like that forever.
The End.
By Ava Collier, age 6

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