Saturday, August 22, 2009

Papa and the Girls After Church Tonight

After Church tonight, we met Rosie and Lily in the hallway. They had on new duds so I took a photo. (Pops had on a new shirt as well.)
In church tonight we learned that if you have envy and strife, you are going to be confused and not know what to do. So, boys and girls, you better watch your words and speak peacefully. The words you say can bring sad things your way or if you say good words or God's words, you can bring joy into your life and home. Be sure to remind your Mommy and Daddy when they forget to think and speak good things.
Oh and another important part is that we must accept the God kind of discipline. If we get mad and pout, we are going to be in worse trouble. When you get disciplined, accept, learn from it and change the wrong things you think or say or do.
Can you tell me what you learned in church this week?

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