Saturday, April 11, 2009

Archie the Armadillo

One day Archie the armadillo was sleeping in his burrow, when his friend, Pokey the porcupine came in and said, "hey Archie, the grubs are back!" Archie shot up immediately, and said,
"wha-id-you-say?!?!" "Its the great grub migration over on the other side of the forest!" Oh no, he said, I gotta get ready! Once he was ready, he climbed out of his hole and started on his biggest adventure yet. He started walking away, then he looked back and said, "goodbye" to his little hole, then he turned back around and started walking again.

They walked for about two-and-a-half hours when they got to the deep dark scary part of the forest. "I don't like it here.....not one bit," said Pokey. "Nether do I," said Archie. Just then they heard growling in the bushes, they screamed and ran until they tripped over a big rock, "ouch," they said. Then they looked up and right in front of them they saw a swamp. It was a big scary swamp with old dead trees in it. "How are we going to get across?," said Pokey. I can swim, and you can crawl across that old log.," said Archie.
Then Archie puffed up with air and jumped into the water and floated across. "Your turn," he said. Pokey climbed on and went from tree to tree, just then the tree broke in half! He jumped just in time and made it! Then they started walking again.

They were both tired and hungry, but then they saw a light so they ran to it. When they got to the light they were in the middle of a road! They looked up and saw a truck coming right for them! Pokey ran to the other side of the road, but Archie just sat starring at the truck! Run!, Pokey said run!, The truck went over Archie,"oh no," said Pokey, but he had ducked just in time. Once the truck was gone Archie ran to the other side.

In the morning they reached the place where the grubs were supposed to be. They looked around and then they found them, thousands of grubs everywhere!
Then they ate and ate until they could not eat any more then they went to sleep.

The End . - by Elijah Scharpf


NANA Scriv said...

Elijah, I love your story. One thing I liked was that Archie did not get killed. Here in Oklahoma, they say the reason we see so many dead armadillos on the highway is because they jump straight up when they see the headlights of the car or truck. CRUNCH! DEAD MEAT. YUCK.

Pops said...

Hi Elijah, I liked your story. If Porcupines have any friends at all, it would have to be the Armadillos with all that armor plate on their bodies. Those guys sure had me worried when that found the highway. Teenaged Armadillos and Porcupines sometimes don't make good decisions, especially when they are together being ornery and having fun. But at least they survived. I enjoyed it, thanks. Pops