Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Swimming Pool in Dallas

Enjoying the Heat of Texas

Gigantic Bubble Fun

Guys Chill'in out

A Boys Best Friend

Watermelon Games

Water Balloons

Blakely and the Giant Bubble

Meet Howard

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Texas Trip on July 4th

Covenant McKinney Picnik in the Park

Lots of Fun things to do in the park

Love that music -- great sound.

Cooling off in the heat

Decorating for America's Birthday

Decorating the Play House with chalk

Popscicles for everyone.    And Carson learning to carve.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Summer: Fun Pottery Paining with the Scharpfs

ttFirst of all, April gave me a gift card to paint potery with her at Georgias Arts here in Broken Arrow.   The first time we went, it was just the two of us.  Sommer choose a decorative measuring cup set.

The second time we went to finish up our creations, we took the kids.  We had a lot of fun being creative together.

For Elijah and Papa, the creativity extended into wood carving.  They went to a carving club on Thursday evenings.