Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sydney Loves Cousins: COTM Had a 25year Birthday Party

Sydney loves playing with her cousins.  Rosie and Sydney are up on Liily's Bed.
With the cats 
While Lily plays with Blakely on the floor of their room. 

We went to Church On The Move  
The church was celebrating it's 25th Birthday 
Friend Sarah was with us

Blakely loved rolling down the grassy hill. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sydney attends Horse Camp

Sydney graduating from Horse Camp

Sydney had a full week of Horse Camp from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  They did lots of fun things.  Lucky for them, they could ride the horses under the trees, because it was very hot.  Sydney said that they rode horses in the morning, then had lunch, could swim, play tennis and ride horses again.  She had a lot of fun.

Meet Syd's Horse WENDY
Blakely came to see Wendy and Sister

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Elijah off to 180 Camp at Dry Gulch

This is all I have about Elijah going to 180 Camp.  It was three days, July  5 - 7.  Perhaps Elijah will post and tell us about his experience at camp.

  Elijah  In Line for  180 Camp

Monday, July 2, 2012

Grands and Summer Time Activities

A couuple weeks before the grands went, I went with Sorensor to the Purple Glaze.  I made a red plate which when fired, cracked.  Oh well!
Have I mentioned my new addiction to Groupons and Living Social Coupons?  Well,  I keep watching for things to do with the grandkids this summer.  One was a trip to the Purple Glaze........a place to paint on ceramics.  I was working, so Papa brought them and we all worked together.  It was interesting to see what each one chose to paint.
Devin chose  a Yoda Creatue and Elijah a Fish platter. 

Hailey ended up with a Dragon and Papa chose a coffee cup. 

Lily is creatig a piggy bank while Rosie paints a frog. 
And when we were about done and readiy to be sent to the oven this is what they looked like.  Elijah's fish. 

The fired fish was a surprise and beautiful.
Devin's Yoda 

Devin's Yoda is cooked.
Hailey's Dragon 

The dragon came out as a happy creature.
Lily's Pig 

Piggy is ready for holding lots of money.
Rosie finishing up her Green Frog.

Froggie has been baked and ready to eat ..... ooops

And  Papa's mug is ready for the java juice