Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ava, Sydney and Carson, our youngest Threesome

The Charleston Five At Christmas Time

They can do the Charleston when Pops and Nana have trouble moving or wiggling. Way to go, Kayla, Sydney, Rosie, Ava and Carson!

The Collier Dance at Christmas Time

Jib Jab has some fun clips on their website to visit play with and buy. This is one that Sommer Created at Christmas Time.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Texas Little Lady

I wonder if Sydney can tell us who her friend is......
And what kind of a trick she is playing on the back of Nana's couch.
Finally, here is the pretty lady taken from Papa's Blackberry.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Daddy, hold hands, Daddy, hold hands!

The Summer time of 2008, Daddie came home from work to play with Ava, Carson and Kona. Ava insisted they should hold hands but it took a while for Daddy to get it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Come On and Shout

Sydney was participating in the Park Jazz Festival at the Broken Arrow Central Park when the next song was Come on and Shout. July, 2008

The Scharpf Children were there also but Sydney was the one to participate with such gusto. There were also popsicles, snow cones, popcorn, playground fun as well as music on this hot July evening.

Thanks for the evening at Discoveryland, Oklahoma

Devin does great work. Here is work from Devin at age 11 in July, 2008 when we all went to see the drama Oklahoma, at Discoveryland and we rode horses, ate a cowboy dinner and had ice cream and popcorn. It was verrrrryyyyy hot but also very fun.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Time on Grandma's Steps

This picture taking session was in July, 2008 and all the girls had new sundresses while the boys had new shirts. The sunglasses added a final touch.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Papa, hair, 'spose' to be on ......" June, 2008

Sydney seems to be the most vocal about Papa's shaved head. She has called him 'curley' and here she is telling Papa, he is suppose to have hair on his head. In another clip, she actually says magic words over his head. But her magic words, "bipptie, boptie, boo" did not work. Papa still has no hair.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Elijah's 10th Birthday Party -- Turtles

Remember Elijah's 10th Birthday Party? He had a reptile party in which snakes, turtles, lizards and more were displayed. It was a bunch of fun.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hailey's 8th Birthday

The children all made their own special pizza to order. Bonita said it was a lot of work but certainly made Haily a happy little ballerina. Sydney just happened to be visiting us as well and all the girls dressed in their dancing clothes ... at least part of the time.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rosie Turns Six Years Old

Rosie had a Lady Bug Party when she turned six years old.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sydney's Art for Mommie and Daddy

Sydney was into stickers and was making tons of welcome signs for the cousins, and her Mommie and Daddy. See the pink teddy bear? That is her reminder that Mommie and Daddy love her very much and will return from their mission trip. Feb, 2008.